Visual Arts

Primary Division (K-2)

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Panda Korman, Grade 2 “KODIAK AND I” Sculpture

“I matter because I am a big sister. Being a big sister mean being a good example. Kodiak is my brother and I love him. He is super silly!”


Justin Do, Grade K “My Rainbow Family”

“I matter, I love rainbows, my family, and cloud dinosaurs.”


Nathan Mezquida, Grade 2 “George Floyd”

“I wanted to make a Black Lives Matter picture after seeing posters in my neighborhood. It relates to the theme because I matter and all humans matter”

Irene Guimm, Grade 2 “I Love Earth”

“I matter because my wonderful family is with me and that they love me and has room for me I drew this picture because I love almost everything on Earth and because I know my family has space for me.”

Isaiah (Didi) X2ong Grade 2 “The Color of Sports”

“You can make friends playing sports. I matter because I make friends playing sports.”

Sienna Kwak, Grade K “I Love My Brother”

“I know I matter because I love my brother. I thought of it because I know I love my brother ALL THE TIME! I put me and my brother in the picture. I also put the world in the picture because I love the world! I be a big sister for him.”

Cameron Ketabi, Grade TK “Rainbow World”

“I matter because I bring colors to the world. I make people happy with my artwork ”

Aubrey Kim, Grade K “Because My Heart Loves”

“I matter because my heart loves lots of people. Rainbows make me happy because they have all the colors that make people happy instead of just gray, black and white.”

Hannah Lee, Grade 1 “I Matter Because I am Brave”

“I matter because I am brave. I am brave for good things like helping others. I put on my hero thinking cap.”

Iliana Petrou, Grade 1 “Helping the Earth”

“I matter because I am helping the environment. How I am helping the environment is by cleaning up the planet. We need to stop polluting the environment.”

Kai Philp, Grade 1 “I Matter Because”

“I keep the earth clean because I put trash in trash cans! And recycle a lot!”

Ellie Robillard, Grade 2 “Why I Matter”

“ My picture shows why I matter through the activities I love, which includes: surfing, helping, and love.”

Kaitlin Vi, Grade 1 “Flora”

“ My drawing is a sugar skull. It is a part of my culture. I matter because I am passionate, creative, and I don’t give up. I matter because I don’t strive for perfection, I strive for excellence.”

Finn Yule, Grade 1 “Growth, Feeling, Friendship, and Love”

“The three dots represent my friends and me. The two flowers represent growing, first there’s a bud and then a bloomed flower. The sun and rain are sad an happy. ”

Mia Yumori, Grade 2 “I Matter Because I am Funny”

“I can be funny by telling jokes and making friends laugh.”

Alena Zepkowski, Grade 1 “Friends Forever”

“Even if there is something scary, friends make you feel better with love. Friends matter to me.”

Intermediate Division (3-5)


Mari Chang, Grade 4 “My Contribution”

“I was inspired to illustrate the different types of interests or careers that help people in our society. My artwork relates to the theme because it shows how we can contribute to our society and that we are all important to the world. We all matter, because we all can help.”


Rose Xia, Grade 3 “I Can Fly High, Someday”

“During this special time, students are forced to stay and study at home, lack much of the freedom and sociality, with a little fear and worry. However they do not lose ‘rays of hope’, they read, study and exercise hard. Everyone matters, they believe that someday they will become better selves, spread their wings, flying higher and more freely. (The contrast in the drawing signifies the current harsh moment and colorful bright future.)”


Brandon Do, Grade 3 “I Matter Because we All Matter”

“I matter because we all matter and share the same love and heart. I am part of the world and part of the love we see around the world.”

Vivian Emter, Grade 4 “I Matter Because I Live”

“My work on I Matter Because I Live relates to the theme because all people and animals matter because they live. All living creatures breath, have emotions, and deserve love.”

Katelyn Gresham, Grade 3 “Following My Heart”

“My art represents me holding my heart out to the world. It relates to the theme I matter because my compassion is the best part about me. ”

Gideon Kawai, Grade 4 “There is Only One Me”

“I drew this because it represents all of the different things about me. It relates to the theme ‘I Matter Because’ because no one else has all of the same traits as me ”

Aiden Ketabi, Grade 3 “Helping Hand”

“I matter because I like to help people. It makes me happy and encourages people to help others.”

Laurel Kleeger-Read Grade 5 “Reasons”

“It relates to the theme because it’s about reasons I think I’m special. I love drawing but I’m not too good at it. This was my first ever manga/anime drawing and I’m proud of how it turned out.”

Andrew Kwak, Grade 3 “I Love My Family”

“I matter because I love family. I decided to show how I help my family. I matter because I am a brother and I help my little sister. I’m showing how I helped my sister up the sand dunes in Death Valley. And my mom, me and my sister had a fun night at the beach trying to watch the bioluminescent waves ”

Molly Petterson, Grade 4 “I Am Me You Are You”

“My work is about being yourself and not changing other people.”

Ronda Williams, Grade 5 “I Matter”

“I matter because I live and love. The beauty in the night sky represents love, loving art, and the trees represent life because trees live.”

Sachi Philp, Grade 4 “I Matter Because…”

“I wrote and drew about rules about what has been happening this year”

Delaney Wong, Grade 4 “I Matter Because I Care”

“I matter because I care about protecting wildlife. This family of quail represent California’s wildlife. The quail is the state’s bird. Animals build nests, stay close to their families, help each other and know instinctively how to survive. The protection and survival of wildlife help preserve our natural resources, so that we all can live with clean air, clean water and beautiful forests.”

Emi Yumori, Grade 4 “I Matter Because I Can Help”

“I can help people to make others’ lives easier. One thing I can do is guide people to clean up, as in the picture they are cleaning up and throwing away trash.”